Marley is a fat activist and body positive bike rider. As a Seattle based environmental manager, bike advocate and women’s ride leader, she also co writes a blog called, Life On Two Wheels. She’s the person behind the With These Thighs stickers and hashtag, and she refuses to let our image-conscious culture interfere with the love of riding bikes. She doesn’t ride bikes to lose weight and loves helping people find a bike that works for their needs and shares her journey to encourage other cyclists of variant sizes to try cycling.

“It is about creating empathy and connecting people with their own bodies. A big part of this work is done by people in thin bodies who need to create space for body size diversity. Folks are invited to explore the connections between the experience of a bikers body and the activity of adventure cycling. Covering gear basics for larger bodies and related tips and tricks.” Marley also has co facilitated WTF Bikexplorers sessions on how to build a size diverse community of adventure cyclists by examining a few outdoor adventure groups that work to create space for fat people to recreate.

Read her article “Biking while fat: 4 things I wish I had known when I started riding“.