my morning commute was taken with one of my favorite buddies to ride with, my shadow. kind of like peter pan, i lost my shadow when the sun hid behind the clouds for a while. a dilemma peter pan was struck with till Wendy sowed it back. well, as long as my shadow is riding with me, Wendy will be taking us for many rides.
Love these! The lap of shadow and real person is beautiful. x hivennn p.s enter my double vintage camera giveaway?
Great snaps! I love seeing my shadow when I ride but always have trouble capturing it.
thanks ladies! trisha, it's actually really fun seeing your shadow in motion. i always feel like i have someone riding with me and when i take a photo of it i like to see what comes out cause i know it's different from what i know i'm doing.
Cute! Love to see your hair blowing in the shadow. 🙂